A House that Saves

“A House That Saves” – Rev. Benjamin Wines

I have found My servant David;
With My holy oil I have anointed him;
He shall cry to Me, “You are my Father,
“My God, and the Rock of my salvation!”
I will make him the firstborn,
The highest of the kings of the earth.
Forever I will keep My steadfast love for him,
And My covenant with him will stand firm.
I will not violate My covenant,
Or alter the word that went forth from My lips.
Once and for all I have sworn by My holiness;
I will not lie to David.
His line shall continue forever,
And his throne endure before Me like the sun.
It shall be established forever like the moon,
An enduring witness to the skies. -from Psalm 89

Join us as Rev. Benjamin Wines continues our series about King David – “The Man After God’s Own Heart” We will be reading from 2 Samuel 7:1-14a.

Today’s Quartet is Anne Pokorny, Brenda Doyle, Mike Dossett and John Myers.
A big thank you to all of the above for sharing their gifts of music with us this morning.