We Can’t Skip Ahead to the Ending

“We Can’t Skip Ahead to the Ending” – Rev. Emily Davis

You who fear the Lord, praise him!
The Lord does not hide his face from me;
the Lord heard me when I cried out to him.
All who sleep in the earth bow down to him,
and we shall live for him.
We will proclaim his deliverance even to those yet unborn.
All generations, past, present, and future honor you, O Lord! – from Psalm 22

Please join us for this week’s Worship Service, as Rev. Emily Davis shares the message, “We Can’t Skip Ahead to the Ending”. We will be reading from Mark 8:27-38.
You can find the bulletin and resources for Children and Families at the links below, in printable Adobe® PDF format.

Special thanks to Rev. Emily Davis for bringing today’s message, and to John Myers for sharing his voice in song with us!