HVBC – 2020 Year in Review

We already knew that church was more than a building. The church is a body of Christian believers working together to further God’s kingdom. In spite of the challenges we encountered during 2020, Hope Valley Baptist Church continued to make a difference to our members and others in our community — and around the world.

We may have had limited access to the building during most of 2020, but church was NOT cancelled. It continued remotely as we learned new ways to study the Bible and worship together while staying apart. It continued through mission activities to help meet the needs of those in Durham and around the world who were hungry, or thirsty, or strangers, or who needed clothes or were ill or in prison, or who needed to hear the message of God’s love. It continued within the church community and beyond as we provided assistance to people with special needs, from rides to medical appointments to help with shopping to staying in touch with phone calls, cards and emails. And it continued as we prayed — Oh! How we prayed!

At Hope Valley Baptist Church, our Vision is to be a Christ-centered community, worshiping in the Spirit, growing in discipleship, and sharing God’s Love. This report highlights how the church moved forward toward fulfilling that vision in 2020, and what we expect for 2021.

You can download this report – in Adobe PDF Format – at the link below: